Soundcard Scope 是 Christian Zeitnitz 用 LabView 開發而成的一套 PC-Based 音效卡示波器,可以在底下的網址取得:
- Trigger modes: off, automatic, normal and single shot
- Triggerlevel can be set with the mouse
- The signals of the two channels can be added, subtracted and multiplied
- x-y mode
- Frequency analysis (Fourier spectrum)
- Waterfall diagram (frequency spectrum as function of time)
- Frequency filter: low-, high- and band-pass
- Cursors to measure amplitude, time and frequency in the main window
- Audio Recorder to save data to a wave file
- For multi soundcard system, the used card can be selected in the settings tab
底下這張圖是利用 Soundcard 量測紅外線訊號得到的波形,真酷!
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